“For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” ~ Hebrews 4:12
The last few months, life has been rough. Injury, illness, depression and feelings of failure have seemingly all plagued my reality, so much so that I have allowed myself to bury myself deep inside, only coming out when absolutely necessary. Although I have tried, unsuccessfully, to claw my way back out a number of times, the enemy has effectively knocked me back time and time again. Despite good intentions and the desire to get myself back into gear, I have as yet, not been able to find that drive ... I am hopeful I am at the end of this trying season.
I have decided to take part in Clare's (from peak313) Living and Active challenge over the next 5 weeks, and I would love it if you ladies would allow me to be accountable to you. Each week I will post & link up my plans & accomplishments with the other challenge participants. I would love to get your encouragement and feedback regarding my efforts.
The challenge has three parts to it ...
Part One : Exercise 4 days a week for the 5 weeks we are in it (25 minutes minimum each session).
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**This week's verse is Ecclesiastes 4:12 ... "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken".
Part Three: Accountability
** Each week there is a link up... I aim to link up every week :)
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*Living and Active* are two things that really haven't described how I've been living the last few weeks. Obviously I've been alive, but I really haven't been living ... more like surviving ... barely. With God's support and you're help/encouragement (please, lol, I'm gonna need it!!), I'm really hoping to get back that zest for life I used to have. I don't like how I've been feeling of late, and I really need to pick things up if I want to accomplish anything over the next few months/years/however-long-I-have-left-on-this-earth.
I also be posting later today, my weekly list of goals (yes, I really do want to start this up again ... I've just been writing them down on a pad of paper but this last week I didn't even achieve ONE thing!!) along with my list of sewing items I need to finish off ... all of them asap!!
If I've been a regular reader of your blog the last year or so and haven't been commenting as often as I used to, please forgive me! As I said, I've kinda hidden myself away in my tight little shell of *self pity*, but I HAVE been reading most of the posts ... I've reverted to lurking - sorry! I will try to pick this back up again, though our internet connection is rather slow for much of the month as our plan is still really low - been trying unsuccessfully for the last year + to get Dad to increase the data usage allowance, but to no avail ... he just doesn't understand why we need more!!
I will also put up a post later in the week to update you on how my crafty progress is going ... in the last few weeks I haven't gotten much more than a few scarves done ... Better head off to the sewing machine now ... I have a mini to complete!!
good luck.... will msg you later...
I've been thinking about doing this as well. I've been doing the 30 day shred. Only did it once last week. :( Hope to see you next Monday!
Wishing you much luck, and hoping you manage to head yourself a touch further towards 'living'
wishing you all the best with this challenge you have set yourself ;-) Myself, I am in spring cleaning mode ;-)
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