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I have decided that since this year is seemingly going by so quickly, I need to really get stuck in to my goals if I am to achieve anything this year. Later next month, I will share the goals I wish to achieve by the end of the year, but to start, I am just going to work on writing down, and working towards, some weekly goals. I have decided to share them here as I NEED that accountability of actually sharing them with you fine ladies... plus, I need all the encouragement I can get if I'm going to be more purposeful and diligent with my time!!
So, without further a-do, here I go ...
Here are my goals for this week ...
Personal Goals
1. Exercise at least twice, min. 30 mins each session. {I love my Jillian Michaels dvd's ... its the getting organised and those first 5 mins where I have the trouble, lol}
2. Go to bed by midnight, at least 4 nights this week.
3. Catch up on all QBSA blocks and send.
4. Work on Santa Sack swap, stocking plus Jul & Aug's gifts (4).
{Being unwell the last few months, I haven't kept on top of my swap obligations. I really need to get on top of these, but at the same time not overwhelm myself ... I have written them all down, and requested August 'off' in the QBSA swap in an effort to allow me plenty of time to catch up this month ... I also have to get my *butt* into gear with my SKoW quilt, so that'll be on next week's list!!}
University Studies Goals
5. Write and submit Assignment #2 by Wednesday afternoon.
6. Begin reading & research for Assignment #3 by Thursday.
Spiritual Goals
7. Prepare and run Sunday School program for 6-8yr olds this Sunday.
8. Continue with Proverbs 31 study, catching up on this weeks' sessions.
Homemaking Goals
9. Make dinner from scratch, 3 nights this week.
10. Stay on top of the laundry. {I finally got on top of it all last week, and I really don't want to have piles of laundry hanging around the bedroom again!}
Mothering Goals
11. Get DD into bed by 7.30pm, 4 nights this week {Her usual bedtime has been between 8:30 and 9pm most nights for the last year or so ... mainly because I haven't been organised enough to get her organised and in bed any earlier - I need to get her bedtime earlier as she'll be going to Preschool next year, and we'll need to be leaving the house by 7.40am in order to get her there on time!!}
12. Take DD to her kindygym lesson, Saturday morning.
** I am linking to Crystal's 'goals' post HERE.
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For those who are aware that I've been unwell the last few months, the last element of which was a chest infection that lasted over 4 weeks ... I had a chest X-ray & blood tests taken a couple of weeks ago, which came up clear, and was put on ventolin for a week-or-so before having a spiro test (for asthma) last Wednesday. Thankfully the four days I could cope on the ventolin (I ended up stopping taking it as every time I ended up having to lay down for a half hour because of heart palpitations/racing and I was shaking so much I couldn't hold a half-cup of tea without spilling it!! The spiro came up clear, which was good ... but by that stage I was pretty well all recovered. No longer coughing up phlegm every 10 mins, and no more hyperventilating because the mucus was getting in the way of me being able to breathe. *Phew!*
I've been spending the last week-and-a-bit trying to catch up on uni, now that I can focus again, and trying to just get back into the rhythm of life. I am still sleeping heaps, and feeling like I need more ... but at least my head doesn't feel like there's a ton of bricks sitting on it!
Hopefully I'll have more interesting things to show in the coming days ... Really looking forward to getting on that sewing machine after getting it back from it's service, but Assignment 2 needs to be written and submitted before I can even think about it!! Hoping your week isn't so stressed & full!!!