Although I had hoped to have finished off three new blocks for my 'Some Kind of Wonderful' quilt and have four prepped for the needle turn appliqué ... I only got one finished and completed the appliqué on a second block.
I love how my "old blue jeans" block came up, though instead of a peace sign on the left leg I put in a butterfly.
I also got to work on my "chocolates" block, but unfortunately I only finished off the appliqué. I actually enjoyed the challenge of getting that circle pretty close to properly-round!!
So almost 5-down, 19 more to go ... I am aiming to get at least 8 more blocks finished this week.
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
L & A Update & This Weeks Goals
Living and Active
So last week's update didn't happen, but here I am, so I'll update y'all on the first two weeks of this challenge...
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Week One :
Exercise - I did Level One of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred three days (W-F) with two girlfriends, and then I topped this off with a walk on Saturday... primarily as I was already so sore, plus we're only getting together during the week *hehe*. As it was, I was just walking normally around the local shopping mall, but it was for several hours ... and by the end of it we had to sit down and have some drinks as my knee and ankles were soooo sore, and just about ready to collapse!! ... The sit down allowed me the time to rest before I had to then drive home.
Memory Verse - I did really well memorising this one, and it was super appropriate ... if there hadn't been three of us working out together - even if just two of us, rather than me by myself - I would have piked out and not achieved even two workouts!!
"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken" ~ Ecclesiastes 4:12
Diet & Weigh In - Well, considering my diet was *shocking*!!! (Jam tarts, blocks of chocolate, pasta, rice ... you name it, *cringe*). I actually lost a total of approximately 3kgs (6lbs - looks & sounds better, lol!). Honestly though, I think I have to put it down, primarily to water weight ... and the fact that I hadn't made my heart and body work that hard in about 3 months!!!
Week Two :
Exercise - I am really proud of the fact that I was able to do five workouts, one day after another, over the course of this past week!!! ... Though I did *plan* on working out over the weekend - so I could finish off the suggested ten days for the first level (we planned to start level two on Monday just gone) - I didn't prioritise it ... and to be honest, I was rather exhausted and really didn't want to do it ... so I let myself "rest and rebuild" LOL!
Memory Verse - I have to admit I didn't do all that well on this past week's verse ... I *did* have it memorised by the end of the week ... but it wasn't until the last half of the week that I actually began to work on its memorisation.
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of its own." ~ Matthew 6:34Diet & Weigh In - Not so great again this week. Boy is chocolate an issue!!! *Really* wish I wasn't so darn addicted to the stuff ... but not quite ready to give it up, lol! My weight has gone up a kilo from where it was at the beginning of the week, and I look more bloated and squishy than I was then too, but I *think* I can put that down to Miss Scarlet's current visit (since Saturday evening).
Week Three's plans :
Exercise - I plan to work out five days this week ... We missed yesterday as there were previously made plans ... then a hubby that needed to go to the emergency room with what ended up being an "acutely sprained ankle". We started Level Two of Jillian's 30 Day Shred today and boy was it heart rate lifting!!! I *reeeeaaaallly* don't enjoy doing plank work ... and there is enough in this workout to make me feel nauseaus - doesn't help that my palms get sweaty while I do this too, so it all just feels totally *yuck*!!! ... But, with God's help, I will survive :)
Memory Verse - Appropriate, considering my issues with chocolate & jam tarts (lol, I made more last night when I made a homemade [from scratch!!!] meat pie for dinner!) ...
"For everything in the world - the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does - comes not from the Father but from the world." ~1 John 2:16Diet & Weight Loss Goals - I actually purchased a block of chocolate (Cadbury's ... caramello ...) last night @ approx 6pm ... half was gone by the time I went to bed ... the other half was devoured this morning before noon!!! ... So I haven't really started the week off very well ... For the remainder of the week, I am hoping to eat cleaner meals and snacks ... and to hopefully get down to approx 82kgs (about 2kg weight loss since Monday).
This week's Goals
I really want to get back into writing out my goals for the week. I know I only posted them here once ... and never actually reported back, lol, ... but I really need the accountability, and I am hoping that the lift that the Living and Active challenge has given me, will carry on to the rest of my goals. So I am linking up with Crystal's weekly goal setting post again.
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This week's goals ...
1. Work out 5 days this week, doing Jillian's 30 Day Shred, Level 2.
2. Cook dinner 5 nights, 3 from scratch
3. Spend time in God's Word every day.
4. Memorise memory verse (above); Keep working on remembering the memory verses from earlier weeks.
5. Write and post three blog posts.
6. Paint my toe nails and have a de-toxing bath.
7. Finish 3 blocks for the "Some Kind of Wonderful" SAL quilt, have 4 more at least ready for needle turn appliqué to begin.
8. Finish and send "Welcome" mini and 3 QBSA blocks to appropriate partners [all late].
9. Declutter and clean desks in lounge room (my 'office' space *technically*)
10. Finish going through drawers containing cross-stitch magazines & DD's birth/day cards - put cards into scrapbook.
I think I have enough there to keep me occupied ... I would could should put down to spend less than 2 hours online - but then I *know* that would be a major fail ... so I'm not gonna. This is definitely, though, one area I *really* need to cut down!!!
What are your plans for this week? ... Here's hoping we both have a great week!!!
Friday, 14 September 2012
Finally some SKoW & QBSA progress ...
I have wanted to get back on to these projects for a while, but unfortunately the last few months have seen me rather unwell, injured, and then unwell again and I just haven't been able to get onto any of my sewing commitments/plans.
Some Kind of Wonderful
Now Chooky has cracked the whip ... I am well ... and I am taking some time off from my studies ... there is some movement! The 'old blue jeans block' ...
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Jeans block prepared for needle turn appliqué... Square of fabric at top left is ready for *was 'cupcakes* block. |
I have gotten one leg sewn so far, and am hoping to finish this block tonight ... Pellon, cut to size, is sitting ready for fusion.
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My current set-up for sewing ... like my tin of 'Superior Threads'? |
Then I *really* need to get on to finishing this mini before I can do too much more of the stitching for SKoW...
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Needs needle turn & stitchery to be done, sandwiched, quilted & bound :) ASAP!! |
I previously had the umbrella, cup of tea & suitcase blocks finished.
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My previously completed blocks
I also finished the cupcakes block, but I am not in the least happy with it; plus I have decided that really, cupcakes aren't one of my favourite things ... and, inspired by all the adaptions by the other ladies, I have decided to replace this with 'pavlova' - my absolute favourite desert!! I'm hoping to at least have the image for this block drawn up and fabrics selected by the end of the weekend, along with a February (chocolates block is ready, just needs to be sewn/stitched) & March's blocks at least prepared for next week ...
Unfortunately I have fallen very behind in this swap - I am truly sorry to my partners in this!!!
I have been able to complete and send my June partner Kym (no blog) her block, a log cabin in purple & yellow, with an orange centre. She has received this (and thankfully likes the fabrics I used in it) so I can show it.
The requested block for my May partner Deb (no blog?), was any star in purples & violets. I had fun with this one, though I only got this in the mail this week so I don't know if it has arrived yet. I used one of the blocks by Sheila from thought & found, from her Oh My Star's series back in February ... the 'Shimmering Star'. Though there was a little reverse sewing done while making this block, I *really* enjoyed all the piecing involved in creating this beauty!!
I am hoping this block will arrive before the end of next week.
Unfortunately for this swap group I still have to make a block for my July partner (planning to make this tomorrow), and I had issues with both my March & April blocks not arriving at their destinations - both were sent at the same time, but neither have arrived, so I am hoping to remake these blocks in the next week or so to replace those lost.
Living & Active challenge progress
Lots to do ... At least I am sitting down a lot atm - I am *so SORE* after doing 3 days so far of JM's 30 Day Shred workouts ... I have one more workout to do to fill my required quota for the Living & Active challenge I mentioned on Monday. At least I have two friends I am doing this with - we're keeping each other accountable to actually get them done every day M-F! Lol, Wed & Thurs we even got together at 8pm as we hadn't been able to meet earlier in the day - Thank God for these peeps!!!
Better go have a shower & get back to my needle turn so this block is done before I need to head to bed!! :)
Monday, 10 September 2012
Living and Active
“For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” ~ Hebrews 4:12
The last few months, life has been rough. Injury, illness, depression and feelings of failure have seemingly all plagued my reality, so much so that I have allowed myself to bury myself deep inside, only coming out when absolutely necessary. Although I have tried, unsuccessfully, to claw my way back out a number of times, the enemy has effectively knocked me back time and time again. Despite good intentions and the desire to get myself back into gear, I have as yet, not been able to find that drive ... I am hopeful I am at the end of this trying season.
I have decided to take part in Clare's (from peak313) Living and Active challenge over the next 5 weeks, and I would love it if you ladies would allow me to be accountable to you. Each week I will post & link up my plans & accomplishments with the other challenge participants. I would love to get your encouragement and feedback regarding my efforts.
The challenge has three parts to it ...
Part One : Exercise 4 days a week for the 5 weeks we are in it (25 minutes minimum each session).
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**This week's verse is Ecclesiastes 4:12 ... "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken".
Part Three: Accountability
** Each week there is a link up... I aim to link up every week :)
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*Living and Active* are two things that really haven't described how I've been living the last few weeks. Obviously I've been alive, but I really haven't been living ... more like surviving ... barely. With God's support and you're help/encouragement (please, lol, I'm gonna need it!!), I'm really hoping to get back that zest for life I used to have. I don't like how I've been feeling of late, and I really need to pick things up if I want to accomplish anything over the next few months/years/however-long-I-have-left-on-this-earth.
I also be posting later today, my weekly list of goals (yes, I really do want to start this up again ... I've just been writing them down on a pad of paper but this last week I didn't even achieve ONE thing!!) along with my list of sewing items I need to finish off ... all of them asap!!
If I've been a regular reader of your blog the last year or so and haven't been commenting as often as I used to, please forgive me! As I said, I've kinda hidden myself away in my tight little shell of *self pity*, but I HAVE been reading most of the posts ... I've reverted to lurking - sorry! I will try to pick this back up again, though our internet connection is rather slow for much of the month as our plan is still really low - been trying unsuccessfully for the last year + to get Dad to increase the data usage allowance, but to no avail ... he just doesn't understand why we need more!!
I will also put up a post later in the week to update you on how my crafty progress is going ... in the last few weeks I haven't gotten much more than a few scarves done ... Better head off to the sewing machine now ... I have a mini to complete!!
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